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 Beautifying Your Posts

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Tavern's Head Bartender
Tavern's Head Bartender

Posts : 272
Points : 6346
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2010-07-29
Age : 30
Location : New York

Character sheet
Level: 5
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Beautifying Your Posts Empty
PostSubject: Beautifying Your Posts   Beautifying Your Posts EmptyFri Aug 13, 2010 10:24 pm

Cryptic Alphabet (Fancy Letters):

α в c ם/∂/δ є ғ ɢ н ι נ к ℓ м и σ ρ q я s т υ v ω x ץ/ч z
Ȁ Ȃ Ȧ Ӓ Ӑ Ʌ Ⱥ Ά Α Λ Ѧ Д ᾈ ᾉ ᾊ ᾋ ᾌ ᾍ ᾎ ᾏ • ȁ ȃ ɑ ɒ ɐ ȧ α ά Δ д ӓ ӑ ᾀ ᾁ ᾂ ᾃ ᾄ ᾅ ᾆ ᾇ ᾰ ᾱ ᾲ ᾳ ᾴ ᾶ ᾷ
Ƀ β Ѣ • Ђ Ъ Ь ъ ь Ϧ ɓ ʙ ϐ ѣ б в Ҍ ҍ
Ȼ ʗ Ͻ Ͼ Ͽ Ϲ Ѽ Ҁ Ҫ • ɔ ȼ ς ϲ ѽ ҁ ҫ
ɖ ɗ ȡ ʠ δ
Ȅ Ȇ Ӗ Ɇ Ѐ Ȩ Ȝ Έ Ё Ε Ξ Σ ξ Є Э Ӭ З Ѯ Ҿ Ҽ Ӛ Ә Ӟ Ҙ ә • ə ε έ з є э е ϵ ϶ ȅ ɘ ȇ ɇ ȩ ѐ ё ѯ ҿ ҽ ӛ ӟ ҙ ӗ ӭ
Ϝ Ғ Ӻ • ϝ ɟ ʄ ӻ ғ
Ѡ Ѿ • ɠ ɡ ʛ ɢ ɞ ʚ ɕ
Ȟ Ή Η Ң Ҥ Һ Ӈ Ӊ Ҕ ᾘ ᾙ ᾚ ᾛ ᾜ ᾝ ᾞ ᾟ • ʜ ɦ ћ ʮ ʯ ɧ ȟ ɥ ђ Ћ н ӈ ӊ ң ҕ ҥ
Ȉ Ȋ Ί Ϊ Ῐ Ῑ Ὶ Ί • ȉ ɨ ɩ ɪ ȋ ϊ ΐ ῐ ῑ ῒ ΐ ῖ ῗ
Ɉ Ј • ɉ ȷ ʝ ϳ
Ќ Қ Ҟ Ҝ Ҟ Ӄ • ʞ ɮ κ ќ қ ҝ ҟ ҡ ӄ
Ƚ ζ • ʟ ɫ ɬ ʅ ɭ ȴ ʃ ʄ ʆ
Ϻ Ӎ • ɯ ɰ ɱ ϻ ӎ
Ƞ Ν Π Ѝ Ҋ Ӣ Ӥ Ώ Ω Л Й • ɲ ɳ ɴ ή π η и й ѝ л ҋ ӣ ӥ ᾐ ᾑ ᾒ ᾓ ᾔ ᾕ ᾖ ᾗ ὴ ή ὴ ή
Ȍ Ӧ Ȏ Ȭ Ȫ Ȯ Ȱ ʘ Ό θ Ѻ ϴ Ӫ Θ Ѳ Ю ф Ὸ Ό • ȫ ȭ ȍ ȏ ȯ ȱ ɵ ɸ σ ϕ ό Φ ѻ ѳ ӧ ӫ
Ρ Ҏ Ῥ • ρ φ ҏ ῤ ῥ
Ϙ • ϙ Ϥ ϥ ϱ
Ȑ Ȓ Ɍ Я Г Ѓ Ґ • я ɹ ɺ ɻ ɼ ɽ ɾ ɿ ȑ ȓ ʀ ʁ г ѓ ґ ӷ
Ș Ϩ ϩ Ϛ • ϛ ɛ ɜ ɝ ʂ ȿ ș
Ț Ҭ • τ Ϯ ϯ ʇ ʈ ț т ҭ
Ȕ Ȗ Ώ Ω ц • ȕ ȗ ʉ ʊ υ μ ϑ ϋ ύ ΰ
Ѵ Ѷ • ɣ ʋ ʌ ѵ ѷ ῠ ῡ ῢ ΰ ῦ ῧ
Ϣ Ш Щ • ϣ ш щ ѿ ѡ ʍ ώ ψ Ψ ω ϖ ᾠ ᾡ ᾢ ᾣ ᾤ ᾥ ᾦ ᾧ ῲ ῳ ῴ ῶ ῷ ὼ ώ
Ϫ Ж Җ χ Ӽ Ҳ Ӿ Ӂ Ӝ • ж ϰ ϗ ӽ ӿ ҳ ӂ ӝ җ
Ȳ ϒ ϓ ϔ Ύ Ϋ Υ Ў У ц Ѱ Ӱ Ӯ Ӳ Ӵ Ҷ Ҹ Ӌ Ῠ Ῡ Ὺ Ύ • Ч џ ў ү ұ ɣ ȳ ʎ ʏ ɤ Ϟ λ ϫ ӯ ӱ ӳ ӵ ҷ ҹ ӌ
Ȥ • ʐ ʑ ȥ ʒ ʓ ȝ

Symbols and Headers:

¡ † ‡ ↔ ↑ ↓ •«» ¤₯ ƒ ₴ ₥ ₦ № ₧ ₰ £ ₨ ₪ ৳ ₮ ₩ ¥
– — … ° ≈ ≠ ≤ ≥ ± − × ÷ ← → • §

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ʹ ʺ ʻ ʼ ʽ ʾ ʿ ˌ ˎ ˏ ˑ ˒ ˓ ˔ ˕ ˖ ˗
˂ ˃ ˄ ˅ ˆ ː ˇ ˈ ˉ ˊ ˋ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˛ ˜ ˝ ˞ ˟

? Ɂ ɂ ʡ ʢ ʔ ʕ ʖ ˀ ˁ
Ȣ ȣ ȸ ȹ ʣ ʤ ʥ ʦ ʧ ʨ ʩ ɶ ы ʪ ʫ Ӹ ӹ
љ њ Ѹ ѹ Ѫ Ѭ Ѥ ѥ ѧ Ѩ ѩ ѫ ѭ ѱ
҈ ҉
҈ ҉
ʬ ʭ ɚ ɷ ҂ ҃ ҄ ҅ ҆
ʰ ʱʲ ʳ ʴ ʵ ʶ ʷ ʸ

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ა ბ გ დ ე ვ ზ ჱ თ ი კ ლ მ ნ ჲ ო პ ჟ რ ს ტ ჳ უ ფ ქ ღ ყ შ ჩ ც ძ წ ჭ ხ ჴ ჯ ჰ ჵ ჶ

Г г Ґ ґ Ѓ ѓ ─ ╫╓ ╗ ╚ ╩ ╔ ╬ ╟ ╣ ├ ┤ ╘ ┴ ↔ ↓ ↑ ± Θ

¦ º • • ← ↑ → ↓ ↔ ↕

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#150517 |✖| Gray0
#250517 |✖| Gray18
#2B1B17 |✖| Gray21
#302217 |✖| Gray23
#342826 |✖| Gray25
#34282C |✖| Gray26
#382D2C |✖| Gray27
#3b3131 |✖| Gray28
#3E3535 |✖| Gray29
#413839 |✖| Gray30
#41383C |✖| Gray31
#463E3F |✖| Gray32
#4A4344 |✖|Gray34
#4C4646 |✖| Gray35
#4E4848 |✖| Gray36
#504A4B |✖| Gray37
#544E4F |✖| Gray38
#565051 |✖| Gray39
#595454 |✖| Gray40
#5C5858 |✖| Gray41
#5F5A59 |✖| Gray42
#625D5D |✖| Gray43
#646060 |✖| Gray44
#666362 |✖| Gray45
#696565 |✖| Gray46
#6D6968 |✖| Gray47
#6E6A6B |✖| Gray48
#726E6D |✖| Gray49
#747170 |✖| Gray50
#736F6E |✖| Gray
#616D7E |✖| Slate Gray4
#657383 |✖| Slate Gray
#646D7E |✖| Light Steel Blue4
#6D7B8D |✖| Light Slate Gray
#4C787E |✖| Cadet Blue4
#4C7D7E |✖| Dark Slate Gray4
#806D7E |✖| Thistle4
#5E5A80 |✖| Medium Slate Blue

#4E387E |✖| Medium Purple4
#151B54 |✖| Midnight Blue
#2B3856 |✖| Dark Slate Blue
#25383C |✖| Dark Slate Gray
#463E41 |✖| Dim Gray

#151B8D |✖| Cornflower Blue
#15317E |✖| Royal Blue4
#342D7E |✖| Slate Blue4
#2B60DE |✖| Royal Blue
#306EFF |✖| Royal Blue1
#2B65EC |✖| Royal Blue2
#2554C7 |✖| Royal Blue3
#3BB9FF |✖| Deep Sky Blue
#38ACEC |✖| Deep Sky Blue2
#357EC7 |✖| Slate Blue
#3090C7 |✖| Deep Sky Blue3
#25587E |✖| Deep Sky Blue4
#1589FF |✖| Dodger Blue
#157DEC |✖| Dodger Blue2
#1569C7 |✖| Dodger Blue3
#153E7E |✖| Dodger Blue4
#2B547E |✖| Steel Blue4
#4863A0 |✖| Steel Blue
#6960EC |✖| Slate Blue2
#8D38C9 |✖| Violet
#7A5DC7 |✖| Medium Purple3
#8467D7 |✖| Medium Purple
#9172EC |✖| Medium Purple2
#9E7BFF |✖| Medium Purple1
#728FCE |✖| Light Steel Blue
#488AC7 |✖| Steel Blue3
#56A5EC |✖| Steel Blue2
#5CB3FF |✖| Steel Blue1
#659EC7 |✖| Sky Blue3
#41627E |✖| Sky Blue4
#737CA1 |✖| Slate Blue
#737CA1 |✖| Slate Blue
#98AFC7 |✖| Slate Gray3
#F6358A |✖| Violet Red
#F6358A |✖| Violet Red1
#E4317F |✖| Violet Red2
#F52887 |✖| Deep Pink
#E4287C |✖| Deep Pink2
#C12267 |✖| Deep Pink3
#7D053F |✖| Deep Pink4
#CA226B ✖ Medium Violet Red
#C12869 ✖ Violet Red3
#800517 ✖ Firebrick
#7D0541 ✖ Violet Red4
#7D0552 ✖ Maroon4
#810541 ✖ Maroon
#C12283 ✖ Maroon3
#E3319D ✖ Maroon2
#F535AA ✖ Maroon1
#FF00FF ✖ Magenta
#F433FF ✖ Magenta1
#E238EC ✖ Magenta2
#C031C7 ✖ Magenta3

#B048B5 ✖ Medium Orchid
#D462FF ✖ Medium Orchid1
#C45AEC ✖ Medium Orchid2
#A74AC7 ✖ Medium Orchid3
#6A287E ✖ Medium Orchid4
#8E35EF || Purple
#893BFF ✖ Purple1
#7F38EC ✖ Purple2
#6C2DC7 ✖ Purple3
#461B7E ✖ Purple4
#571B7e ✖ Dark Orchid4
#7D1B7E ✖ Dark Orchid
#842DCE ✖ Dark Violet
#8B31C7 ✖ Dark Orchid3
#A23BEC ✖ Dark Orchid2
#B041FF ✖ Dark Orchid1
#7E587E ✖ Plum4
#D16587 ✖ Pale Violet Red
#F778A1 ✖ Pale Violet Red1
#E56E94 ✖ Pale Violet Red2
#C25A7C ✖ Pale Violet Red3
#7E354D ✖ Pale Violet Red4
#B93B8F ✖ Plum
#F9B7FF ✖ Plum1
#E6A9EC ✖ Plum2
#C38EC7 ✖ Plum3
#D2B9D3 ✖ Thistle
#C6AEC7 ✖ Thistle4
#EBDDE2 ✖ Lavender Blush2
#C8BBBE ✖ Lavender Blush3
#E9CFEC ✖ Thistle2
#FCDFFF ✖ Thistle1
#E3E4FA ✖ Lavender
#FDEEF4 ✖ Lavender Blush
#C6DEFF ✖ Light Steel Blue1
#ADDFFF ✖ Light Blue
#BDEDFF ✖ Light Blue1
#E0FFFF ✖ Light Cyan
#C2DFFF ✖ Slate Gray1
#B4CFEC ✖ Slate Gray2
#B7CEEC ✖ Light Steel Blue2
#52F3FF ✖ Turquoise1
#00FFFF ✖ Cyan
#57FEFF ✖ Cyan1
#50EBEC ✖ Cyan2
#4EE2EC ✖ Turquoise2
#48CCCD ✖ Medium Turquoise
#43C6DB ✖ Turquoise
#9AFEFF ✖ Dark Slate Gray1
#8EEBEC ✖ Dark Slate Gray2
#78c7c7 ✖ Dark Slate Gray3
#46C7C7 ✖ Cyan3
#43BFC7 ✖ Turquoise3
#77BFC7 ✖ Cadet Blue3
#92C7C7 ✖ Pale Turquoise3
#AFDCEC ✖ Light Blue2
#3B9C9C ✖ Dark Turquoise
#307D7E ✖ Cyan4
#3EA99F ✖ Light Sea Green
#82CAFA ✖ Light Sky Blue
#A0CFEC ✖ Light Sky Blue2
#87AFC7 ✖ Light Sky Blue3
#82CAFF ✖ Sky Blue
#79BAEC ✖ Sky Blue2
#566D7E ✖ Light Sky Blue4
#6698FF ✖ Sky Blue4
#736AFF ✖ Light Slate Blue
#CFECEC ✖ Light Cyan2
#AFC7C7 ✖ Light Cyan3
#717D7D ✖ Light Cyan4
#95B9C7 ✖ Light Blue3
#5E767E ✖ Light Blue4
#5E7D7E ✖ Pale Turquoise4

#617C58 ✖ Dark Sea Green4
#348781 ✖ Medium Aquamarine
#306754 ✖ Medium Sea Green
#4E8975 ✖ Sea Green
#254117 ✖ Dark Green
#387C44 ✖ Sea Green4
#4E9258 ✖ Forest Green
#347235 ✖ Medium Forest Green
#347C2C ✖ Spring Green4
#667C26 ✖ Dark Olive Green4
#437C17 ✖ Chartreuse4
#347C17 ✖ Green4
#348017 ✖ Medium Spring Green
#4AA02C ✖ Spring Green
#41A317 ✖ Lime Green
#4AA02C ✖ Spring Green
#8BB381 ✖ Dark Sea Green
#99C68E ✖ Dark Sea Green2
#4CC417 ✖ Green3
#6CC417 ✖ Chartreuse3
#52D017 ✖ Yellow Green
#4CC552 ✖ Spring Green3
#54C571 ✖ Sea Green3
#57E964 ✖ Spring Green2
#5EFB6E ✖ Spring Green1
#64E986 ✖ Sea Green2
#6AFB92 ✖ Sea Green1
#B5EAAA ✖ Dark Sea Green2
#C3FDB8 ✖ Dark Sea Green1
#00FF00 ✖ Lime
#87F717 ✖ Lawn Green
#5FFB17 ✖ Green1
#59E817 ✖ Green2
#7FE817 ✖ Chartreuse2
#8AFB17 ✖ Chartreuse
#B1FB17 ✖ Green Yellow
#CCFB5D ✖ Dark Olive Green1
#BCE954 ✖ Dark Olive Green2
#A0C544 ✖ Dark Olive Green3
#FFFF00 ✖ Yellow
#FFFC17 ✖ Yellow1
#FFF380 ✖ Khaki1
#EDE275 ✖ Khaki2
#EDDA74 ✖ Goldenrod
#FBB917 ✖ Goldenrod1
#E9AB17 ✖ Goldenrod2
#FDD017 ✖ Gold1
#EAC117 ✖ Gold2
#D4A017 ✖ Gold
#C7A317 ✖ Gold3
#C68E17 ✖ Goldenrod3
#AF7817 ✖ Dark Goldenrod
#ADA96E ✖ Khaki
#C9BE62 ✖ Khaki3
#827839 ✖ Khaki4
#FBB117 ✖ Dark Goldenrod1
#E8A317 ✖ Dark Goldenrod2
#C58917 ✖ Dark Goldenrod3
#F87431 ✖ Sienna1
#E66C2C ✖ Sienna2
#F88017 ✖ Dark Orange
#F87217 ✖ Dark Orange1
#E56717 ✖ Dark Orange2
#C35617 ✖ Dark Orange3

#C35817 ✖ Sienna3
#8A4117 ✖ Sienna
#7E3517 ✖ Indian Red4
#7E2217 ✖ Dark Orange3
#7E3117 ✖ Salmon4
#7E3817 ✖ Dark Goldenrod4
#7F5217 ✖ Gold4
#806517 ✖ Goldenrod4
#805817 ✖ Light Salmon4
#7F462C ✖ Light Salmon4
#C85A17 ✖ Chocolate
#C34A2C ✖ Coral3
#E55B3C ✖ Coral2
#F76541 ✖ Coral
#E18B6B ✖ Dark Salmon
#F88158 ✖ Pale Turquoise4
#E67451✖ Salmon2
#C36241✖ Salmon3
#C47451 ✖ Light Salmon3
#E78A61✖ Light Salmon2
#F9966B ✖ Light Salmon
#EE9A4D ✖ Sandy Brown
#F660AB ✖ Hot Pink
#F665AB ✖ Hot Pink1
#E45E9D ✖ Hot Pink2
#C25283 ✖ Hot Pink3
#7D2252 ✖ Hot Pink4

#E77471 ✖ Light Coral
#F75D59 ✖ Indian Red1
#E55451 ✖ Indian Red2
#C24641 ✖ Indian Red3

#FF0000 ✖ Red
#F62217 ✖ Red1
#E41B17 ✖ Red2
#F62817 ✖ Firebrick1
#E42217 ✖ Firebrick2
#C11B17 ✖ Firebrick3

#C11B17 ✖ Pink
#FAAFBE ✖ Rosy Brown1
#FBBBB9 ✖ Rosy Brown2
#E8ADAA ✖ Pink2
#E7A1B0 ✖ Light Pink
#FAAFBA ✖ Light Pink1
#F9A7B0 ✖ Light Pink2
#E799A3 ✖ Pink3
#C48793 ✖ Rosy Brown3
#C5908E ✖ Rosy Brown
#B38481 ✖ Pink3
#C48189 ✖ Light Pink3
#7F5A58 ✖ Rosy Brown4
#7F4E52 ✖ Light Pink4
#7F525D ✖ Pink4
#817679 ✖| Lavendar Blush4
#817339 ✖ Light Goldenrod4
#827B60 ✖ Lemon Chiffon4
#C9C299 ✖ Lemon Chiffon3
#C8B560 ✖ Light Goldenrod3
#ECD672 ✖ Light Golden2
#ECD872 ✖ Light Goldenrod
#FFE87C ✖ Light Goldenrod1
#ECE5B6 ✖ Lemon Chiffon2
#FFF8C6 ✖ Lemon Chiffon
#FAF8CC ✖ Light Goldenrod Yellow

Example (taken from an RP post of mine in Gaia Online):

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ღ Anna-Liisa ღ

ღ In desperate need of a special person...

Write Here

Is there no one left to love me? ღ

Please note that all colors may not work, and that the images only work if they are Photobucket images, if you don't want to spend time trying to put a posting format together, I can make one for you.
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Tavern's Head Bartender
Tavern's Head Bartender

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Join date : 2010-07-29
Age : 30
Location : New York

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PostSubject: Re: Beautifying Your Posts   Beautifying Your Posts EmptySat Aug 14, 2010 1:34 am

Finished Posting Formats:


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§ Ω Ω Ω § Ș ϯ ȯ ӷ Ӎ § Ω Ω Ω §

¤ Enemies…

Write Here

Come and face your death…. ¤

§ Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω §


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Ϛ ђ ҙ ҙ ɽ ɑ ђ

ʠesolation, ʠesparation, ʠecimation, ʠevastation….of your world I’ll end today… ¤

Write Here

¤ Ӎassacre, Ӎadness, Ӎurder, Ӎutilation ….if of my motives, you stand in the way…

ѱ —¤÷(`[¤* ʡ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ʢ *¤]´)÷¤— ѱ
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